Monday, November 2, 2009

Ring My Door Bell and Get a Cookie

Hello Blogland,

Eric and I have been busy with being sick, getting well, Halloween, and all that goes in between. Eric and I had the influenza, which was incredibly not fun. I feel another cold coming on and am wondering how I get to be so lucky to be blessed with such a crappy immune system. I hope it's not a strain of the flu, which would be weird since I just got my flu shot on Wednesday.

We'll see if this itchy, tingly, stuffy nose comes to anything more than what it is now. Because of being sick, Eric and I did not get up any fall/Halloween decorations. Drayton is normally very into Halloween. Last year we had tons of Trick-or-Treaters and nearly ran out of candy. I would say we had at least 60 kids last year if not more. We parked Eric on a chair at the door last year while he was sick since seeing the kids all dressed up brightens his mood. I took over when he got tired and it seemed like it never ended. This year we had 30 kids and we have so much leftover candy. This is unfortunate because neither Eric nor I need to be eating candy day after day.

Eric and I also celebrated three-years of being together on October 31st. We went to Space Aliens, had a good dinner, and then shopped at Menards. We are such a romantic couple. I can't believe three years has passed. It seems like just yesterday Eric and I were meeting for the first time. Sometimes sparked then and still sparks now. I hope everyone finds some love in their lives as Eric and I have.

That's all for now,